Hearing Blog

Tech Tip: Using "Find My Hearing Aids"

March 2, 2018

You know that scary and stressful feeling you get when you misplace your keys or wallet? As some of you may know, that feeling gets worse when the items missing are your hearing aids. Hearing aids are an investment, and it is terrifying to lose something that's often a big part of your day-to-day life. With Halo iQ, Halo 2 and Halo hearing aids, the “Find My Hearing Aids” function within the TruLink mobile ...

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Hearing aid memories: What they are and when to use them

March 1, 2018

Open up a hearing aid brochure or visit a hearing aid manufacturer’s website, and you’ll likely come across the term “memories.” Memories refers to different environmental programs that can be accessed by the hearing aid user. These memories manipulate the hearing aid’s gain, frequency response, and microphone mode (directionality) in order to provide optimal sound quality in specific listening situations. For example, an “auditorium” memory will typically increase the overall gain in ...

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